Chatham Community Council Meeting

At the the Pittsylvania County History Research...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Dan River District Community Council Meeting

At Cloverdale Quarters (1120 Cloverdale Trail, ...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Health Equity Report Unveiling with Natalie S. Burke

June 29, 2017

Health Equity Report Unveiling with Natalie S. Burke

With fifty percent of the Dan River Region’s health outcomes determined by access to physical, economic and social opportunities, the case is made that where one lives matters. The release of the region’s first health equity report will display this data for the first time proving that point.

On July 11 at 7:30 a.m. at the Institute for Advanced Learning & Research, the health equity report, initiated by The Health Collaborative, will be unveiled featuring speaker Natalie S. Burke, President and CEO of CommonHealth ACTION. Natalie guides people and organizations to solutions, plans, and common language necessary to succeed and make the world a better place, a healthy place.

“In order to build a thriving community, we have to understand at a deeper level how these disparities and inequities negatively impact health,” said Karl Stauber, President and CEO of Danville Regional Foundation. “This report coupled with the community health needs assessment will begin to tell the story of how census tracts throughout the Dan River Region compare and to what extent social determinant lines impact health.”

The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, age, learn and pray. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of power and resources at global, national and local levels. This report will look specifically at local level data.

“Cities around the United States are struggling with similar issues and Natalie will help us by leading a conversation that frames our regional data alongside the national conversation,” continued Stauber. “We are not alone in this effort nor the only ones facing obstacles. There are communities with success stories ready to be told and for us to learn from.”

Funded in collaboration with Centra, DRF and Danville Regional Medical Center and conducted in partnership with The Health Collaborative and the Institute for Public Health Innovation, the report is designed to be a baseline of data as work moves forward in creating healthier spaces for all citizens, no matter where they live.

Taking 10 months to complete, the data compiled and analyzed is taken from the American Community Survey, the United States Census Bureau, the Virginia Department of Health and the North Carolina State Center of Health Statistics as well as local data that was provided by the City of Danville, Pittsylvania County, Virginia and Caswell County, North Carolina.

The health equity report is built to help neighbors, sector leaders and community organizations begin to develop a clear understanding of how support across all sectors will help to create a healthier and more vibrant Dan River Region.

The breakfast event is free and open to the public on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited but reservations can be made by contacting the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce at 434-836-6990 or by visiting the chamber website at