Post-Pandemic Recovery - Christiana McFarland

Following the Great Recession of 2008, economic recovery was highly uneven in communities across the country. In many ways, recovery favored large, dense urban centers, often at the expense of smaller communities. But this trend was not universal across places or industries.

Post-Pandemic Recovery - Lew Ebert

What will be the post COVID-19 impact?

Post-Pandemic Recovery - Crystal Morphis

The greatest lasting impact of the pandemic is the acceleration of trends. I have said often that “COVID forced us to make many changes in a short period of time – most of which we should have already been doing.” The acceleration of using the internet to access, transact, and connect everything will be the most lasting impact.

Post-Pandemic Recovery - Harvey Schmitt

For me there are obvious trends that will survive post pandemic.

Post-Pandemic Recovery - Casey Steinbacher

I do not believe we even know or understand all the long-term impacts from COVID yet.  However, of the ones in front of us right now, the most concerning is the impact COVID is having on our labor force.






