Post-Pandemic Recovery - Gina Greathouse
A Note from DRF: A question we find ourselves asking right now is what communities will look like and how they will operate in a post-pandemic world. As restrictions are lifted, we may freely move about more but some businesses, organizations and those in the workforce will still struggle to recover for some time to come. DRF asked our friend Ted Abernathy with Economic Leadership LLC to curate some thoughts on the subject from leaders across the United States to help us think about what’s next.
While my initial thoughts focused on women’s wage gap increases, I do think there will be positive outcomes as well. I believe we will see more small business start-ups. There will be a greater need for need small business and economic development support. My cousin was laid off from a corporate HR job in Chicago and she spun it into her own private HR consulting endeavor. Her former clients followed her.
Aviation will take several years to recover - conventions, visitors, vacations. Regions are going to have to work harder and smarter to promote themselves. We can’t zoom forever…. We need to place strong focus on maintaining the direct flights we have.
Oh, the restaurants. They will never be the same. On the flip side, perhaps there will be new opportunities to enter markets that had not arisen before. Lots more rooftops?
One on one will always have its advantage over a computer. Relationships are key. People who want that advantage – will get out there once vaccine is out there. They will get the prize.
People WILL drive -- greater focus on marketing our region within a couple hundred miles. You really can do the Bourbon Trail now. Market those experiences.
In six months, we will need to get people to change habits AGAIN. We have all gotten content at home… some (not me) are enjoying it….