Westside Community Council Meeting

At Cotton in Danville

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Southside Community Council Meeting

At Southside Community Learning Center next to ...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

The Upswing with Dr. Robert Putnam

March 31, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Advance registration is now closed. Please join the livestream on DRF's YouTube page on Wednesday, March 31 at 2 PM.


Join DRF as we host a virtual conversation with Dr. Robert Putnam and co-author Shaylyn Romney Garrett as they discuss their latest work, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 2 PM.

Deep and accelerating inequality; unprecedented political polarization; vitriolic public discourse; a fraying social fabric; public and private narcissism—Americans today seem to agree on only one thing: This is the worst of times.

But we’ve been here before. During the Gilded Age of the late 1800s, America was highly individualistic, starkly unequal, fiercely polarized, and deeply fragmented, just as it is today. However as the twentieth century opened, America became—slowly, unevenly, but steadily—more egalitarian, more cooperative, more generous; a society on the upswing, more focused on our responsibilities to one another and less focused on our narrower self-interest. Sometime during the 1960s, however, these trends reversed, leaving us in today’s disarray.

The authors will do a presentation on the findings from their research that led to this book and then will answer questions. We hope to learn both why it's imperative for places like ours to bridge our differences and work together and also how to do so based on the lessons from our country's history.

Registration is limited to the first 100 attendees. The event will also be live streamed on DRF's YouTube page.


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