Engaging the Community

The Danville Regional Foundation (DRF) works to encourage revitalization and renewal in the Dan River Region. We do so by making long-term investments to improve education, economic vitality, community wellness, financial stability and civic capacity for citizens throughout the City of Danville, Virginia; Pittsylvania County, Virginia; and Caswell County, North Carolina.

Since its establishment in 2005, DRF has committed more than $180 million through more than 580 grants. Some of these grants are large, but just as many are made from the DRF Make It Happen! (MIH!) program, which encourages individuals to make their dreams of community change a reality. Large organizational investments paired with these smaller grants create a culture of ″bright spots″ where those within the community as well as those visiting and researching for possible relocation can ″see the possible.″

DRF is committed to fostering collaboration, establishing partnerships and working across borders and with many types of organizations to rethink tomorrow and create solutions, positioning the Dan River Region as a place of opportunities. DRF encourages and supports new approaches, and believes that initiative and courage to view things from fresh and different perspectives empowers our community as we collaborate on a Bridge to the Future.

In the spotlight2

House of Hope Receives 2025 Ashby Award3

House of Hope Receives 2025 Ashby Award4

DRF is pleased to announce House of Hope has been selected to receive the 2025 B.R. Ashby, M.D. Award for Outstanding Community Service.

(Read More3)

Westside Community Council Meeting5

At Cotton in Danville

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Southside Community Council Meeting6

At Southside Community Learning Center next to ...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

fellowship-slide.png 7
The big picture
slideshow picture frame
Who we are 17
Transformation 18
Headlines from the future 19
Where's the money 20
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make more happen9

Danville Regional Foundation (DRF) has created Make More Happen (MMH) to challenge community organizations to use more funding and more time to create more impact and more results for more people. Learn More >9


Learn More >33

Page Links
  1. https://www.drfonline.org/
  2. https://www.drfonline.org/news
  3. https://www.drfonline.org/article/house-of-hope-receives-2025-ashby-award
  4. https://www.drfonline.org/content/drf/news/large/house-of-hope-ashby-award-recipient-2025.jpg
  5. https://www.drfonline.org/event/2025-03-17-5-30/westside-community-council-meeting
  6. https://www.drfonline.org/event/2025-03-24-5-30/southside-community-council-meeting
  7. https://www.drfonline.org/about-drf/fellowships
  8. https://www.drfonline.org/faq/frequently-asked-questions
  9. https://www.drfonline.org/grants/make-more-happen
  10. https://www.drfonline.org/about-drf/through-the-years
  11. https://www.drfonline.org/reports/regional-economic-development-plan
  12. http://www.thehealthcollab.com/
  13. https://www.drfonline.org/program-areas/education
  14. https://www.drfonline.org/program-areas/health-wellness
  15. https://www.drfonline.org/program-areas/economic-development
  16. https://www.drfonline.org/program-areas/community-development
  17. https://www.drfonline.org/who-we-are
  18. https://www.drfonline.org/transformation
  19. https://www.drfonline.org/headlines-from-the-future
  20. https://www.drfonline.org/where-s-the-money
  21. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527456825_a1b892b1d5_o.jpg
  22. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527336284_96cc677213_o.jpg
  23. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527024186_7aa5befeda_o.jpg
  24. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527201003_744ebfe22f_o.jpg
  25. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53526123707_462b71d3ff_o.jpg
  26. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527457015_75c698b36f_o.jpg
  27. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527457005_5e40e2de52_o.jpg
  28. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53526123737_696a858381_o.jpg
  29. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527336699_f3c62e0614_o.jpg
  30. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53526123922_7e77fda9de_o.jpg
  31. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527024576_de6d5cc385_o.jpg
  32. https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/53527457305_135a0d246f_o.jpg
  33. https://www.drfonline.org/content/drf/uploads/PDF/mmh_grant_examples_final.pdf
  34. https://www.drfonline.org/home/what-can-you-do-individuals
  35. https://www.drfonline.org/home/what-can-you-do-organizations