Grant Description
Investments to support programs that help provide the resources to give all residents the opportunity to make healthy choices.
The Health Collaborative
Year: 2017
Amount: $94,666
Information: Two year full-time Program Manager position to support the work of The Health Collaborative and make progress toward achieving the goals outlined in the Health For All action plan.
Website: http://www.thehealthcollab.com/
Piedmont Access to Healthcare Services (PATHS)
Year: 2018
Amount: $500,000
Information: To expand services in Chatham, VA by renovating the 19,000 square foot HAMPCO building to house PATHS' existing primary care and pediatric practices, as well as a new Women’s Health Center, an additional adult provider, an in house pharmacy, a dental clinic and an expansion of the pediatric practice to include a pediatric nurse practitioner, two behavioral health professionals and a play therapy room.
Website: http://www.pathsinc.org/
REACH Partnership 2021
Year: 2021
Amount Awarded: $6,381,919
To expand the community health worker program.
Silas Moore Park
Year: 2016
Amount: $75,000
Information: Rehabilitation and restoration of Silas Moore Sr. Memorial Park in the town of Chatham.
Website: http://www.chatham-va.gov/
Community Health Worker Project
Year: 2016
Amount: $3,975,256
Information: To implement a Community Health Worker Project to improve health outcomes, reduce inappropriate emergency department use, and create a career pathway for low wage healthcare worker.
Pittsylvania County Parks & Recreation
Year: 2016
Amount: $150,000
Information: Create community parks at each of the four Pittsylvania County middle schools.
Website: http://pittsylvaniacountyva.gov/213/Parks-Recreation
City of Danville Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Year: 2015
Amount: $18,820
Information: To build the capacity of the Danville Community Market and to increase access to low income populations, specifically SNAP/EBT, WIC and Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) recipients.
Website: http://playdanvilleva.com/
Danville Family YMCA
Year: 2014
Amount: $25,000.00
Information: Marketing and public relations plan for the new YMCA
Website: http://www.ymcadanville.org/
Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness
Year: 2014
Amount: $215,235.00
Information: Get Fit Dan River Region continuation for one year.
Website: https://healthycommunitymhc.org/
Virginia Tech
Year: 2014
Amount: $24,717.00
Information: Engaging community residents and stakeholders to identify and create healthy, active spaces in the Dan River Region through the Dan River Partnership for a Healthy Community.
Website: http://www.drhealthycommunity.org/
Ramsey Memorial Medical Center
Year: 2013
Amount: $344,000.00
Information: To construct a new medical facility in Gretna, VA
Website: https://nonprofitlocator.org/organizations/va/gretna/510246376-ramsey-memorial-medical-center
Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc.
Year: 2012
Amount: $162,000.00
Information: Cherrystone Baptist Association Wellness Kingdom that will serve as a facility to promote increased physical activities for weight loss, weight maintenance and obesity prevention for all ages.
Website: http://www.pccainc.org/
Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness
Year: 2011
Amount: $428,195.00
Information: Continuation Funding for 2012-2013. Promoting active and healthy lifestyles and encouraging reduction of health risk behaviors leading to excess weight.
Website: https://healthycommunitymhc.org/
Dan River Basin Association
Year: 2010
Amount: $381,824.00
Information: Caswell County's Heritage Trails Master Plan (Years 2 and 3)
Website: http://www.danriver.org/
Virginia Health Care Foundation
Year: 2010
Amount: $50,000.00
Information: To assist in meeting the required match of a $1 million challenge grant issued by Virginia's Attorney General for mental health services
Website: http://www.vhcf.org/
Caswell Family Medical Center
Year: 2009
Amount: $192,240.00
Information: Expansion/renovation of facility in Yanceyville, NC
Danville Family YMCA
Year: 2009
Amount: $9,725,000.00
Information: New facility in the River District
Website: http://www.ymcadanville.org/
Danville Family YMCA
Year: 2009
Amount: $54,100.00
Information: Analysis, planning and appraisal for site selection of new YMCA.
Website: http://www.ymcadanville.org/
Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness
Year: 2009
Amount: $541,880.00
Information: Funded as part of the budget for Health Initiatives in 2009 and 2010. Remaining funds rolled to (2012).
Website: https://healthycommunitymhc.org/
Piedmont Access to Healthcare Services
Year: 2009
Amount: $358,000.00
Information: Establishment of a community dental clinic
Website: http://www.pathsinc.org/
Virginia Health Care Foundation
Year: 2009
Amount: $485,800.00
Information: To maximize the number of children in Danville and Pittsylvania County who have health insurance.
Website: http://www.vhcf.org/
Dan River Basin Association
Year: 2008
Amount: $177,400.00
Information: Develop master trails and rural heritage plans, promote public engagement and partnerships, and create opportunities for tourism and economic development.
Website: http://www.danriver.org/
Danville Family YMCA
Year: 2008
Amount: $47,000.00
Information: Assess opportunities for a new Danville YMCA and community needs in the City of Danville
Website: http://www.ymcadanville.org/
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2008
Amount: $12,525.00
Information: Live Healthy DPC will launch a 100-day challenge to encourage healthy lifestyles in the region by promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity.
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Year: 2008
Amount: $290,000.00
Information: Establishment of Graduate Medical Education Program in the Dan River Region and Related Medical Residency Stipends. In partnership with the Danville Regional Medical Center.
Website: http://www.vcom.edu/
Caswell County, NC
Year: 2006
Amount: $2,000,000.00
Information: Caswell Senior Center (Capital Project)
Website: http://www.caswellcountync.gov/