Gretna Initiating Committee Meeting

Meeting at Elba Missionary Baptist Church (131 ...

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Outer Northside Community Council Meeting

Meeting at Christian Life Church (123 Greenwich...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Make More Happen

Make More

Grant Description


Designed to encourage more people and organizations to make the Dan River Region a better place to live, work and play. This effort expands the benefits and opportunities for neighborhood and community innovations and improvements by offering more funding and more time to larger groups of people over a 180-day period (six-months).


Southside Outdoor Learning Center - PCS

Year: 2017

Amount: $25,000

Information: Enhance the playground at Southside Elementary school to create an inviting outdoor space for students and the surrounding community.


Yanceyville Winter Lights Trail

Year: 2017

Amount: $25,000

Information: Implemented a collaborative project focused on creating a visual and experiential incentive to promote the health and wellness of residents during the holiday season, inspire connectivity and engagement while fostering relationships in the community, and provide awareness of economic transformation to the downtown square and offer service learning opportunities for youth.

Bikes for Life

Year: 2017

Amount: $24,900

Information: Bicycle rewards program where every student who attends the tutorial sites and increases their reading level by one grade will earn a new bicycle.


Dan Daniel Stairway Project

Year: 2018

Amount: $24,000

Information: Eagle Scout Project to build a stairway and signage for easy, safe access and egress to the soccer, baseball and football fields at Dan Daniel Park.

Mother's Stronger Twogether

Year: 2018

Amount: $20,100

Information: To hire a consultant to develop a strategy and timeline for their work and to hold six block parties to promote safety.


Danville Neighborhood Development Corporation - White Rock

Year: 2018

Amount: $16,000

Information: Phase 1 for the White Rock Neighborhood Watch Empowerment Group (WRNWEG) to build place and identity in White Rock is to develop a logo that will then be featured on signs throughout the community and to beautify the two far ends of the neighborhood.


Danville Neighborhood Development Corporation - Cedar Terrace

Year: 2018

Amount: $25,000

Information: Cedar Terrace 2018 Beautification Project - To enliven the physical surroundings of the community and, through public art, foster a positive sense of identity and pride.


Rehabilitation Habitat - Southside VA Wildlife Center

Year: 2018

Amount: $2,000

Information: An eagle scout project to construct a 14ft x 24ft two room habitat space for small injured mammals and raptor birds.

God's Storehouse Urban Farm

Year: 2018

Amount: $24,999.45

Information: To create an urban farm and shared community space on vacant lot adjacent to their existing facility.


PCS STEM Academy

Year: 2019

Amount: $5,040

Information: Funding for the STEM Academy to facilitate a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) at the Danville Science Center for all fifth graders and regional alternative students in the Pittsylvania County School system.


Caswell County - Have an Ice Day

Year: 2018

Amount: 25,000

Information: To fund 'Have an Ice Day in Caswell', a project to provide an outdoor, portable skating rink in downtown Yanceyville throughout the winter season.


Providence Baptist Church Playground

Year: 2019

Amount: $25,000

Information: To construct a public playground facility on the church property. Providence Baptist Church will partner with Caswell Parks and Rec and North Elementary to provide physical activity-based activities and programming.


Danville Public Schools Transition Stop

Year: 2019

Amount: $25,000

Information: A collaborative effort with the United Way to create the Transition Stop, where wrap-around services and supplies could be provided for DPS students and families identified by the McKinney-Vento Act and to reduce absenteeism of 250 students.


Caswell Council for the Arts

Year: 2020

Amount: $4,000

Information: Southern Roots Festival - a community engagement effort to increase and showcase music, art, southern foods, and creative traditions at the root of Southern culture.


Friends of the Danville Public Library

Year: 2020

Amount: $24,981

Information: A Community Engagement Project comprised of a local Author Celebration, install an Art-O-Mat machine and a community wide book club.


Year: 2020

Amount: $14,718.23

Information: To install stretching stations at the nine major trailheads along the Danville Riverwalk trail. Fiscal agent - Danville Family YMCA.


Home for the Holidays

Year: 2020

Amount: $25,000

Information: A holiday event called 'HOME for the Holidays' with focus areas in community engagement, business engagement, and 'Home for the Holiday' events.



Year: 2020

Amount: $25,000

Information: To fund two TedxDanville events, a seminar licensed by TEDTalk to highlight innovative people and unique community initiatives.


Year: 2021

Amount: $24,581

Information: Grant made to Averett University to host and sponsor a series of ten COVID-19 vaccination events in partnership with VDH and SOVAH. The CCECC is in charge of creating teams to help register underserved communities.

White Rock Neighborhood Empowerment 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

To implement the "Let's Talk History: White Rock Conversations" - a four-part series of community conversations.

Freedom of Choice Committee 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

To honor, celebrate and preserve the history of the first black and brown students and staff to integrate Pittsylvania County Schools.

Caswell History Speaks 2023

Year: 2023

This is a Caswell County Community Council approved project and funds will be utilized to host a podcast series, highlighting the importance and impact of the six Rosenwald Schools that once graced Caswell County. The podcast will feature first-hand gleaned stories and experiences from former students and family members, along with research from Tuskegee University.

Community Health Fair Day 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

This Health Collaborative supported project will utilize funds to host a Community Health Fair Day, that will focus on serving the whole person, physically and mentally. They will partner with other health organizations and professionals to focus on awareness, prevention, and treatment education for major health causes throughout our community.

High Rock Community Center 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $2,750

To implement a three day STEM academy for children throughout Caswell County.

Project Literacy Book Buds 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $5,380

To extend the Book Buds program at Cardinal Village.


Recreation Development Foundation 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $17,725

To host a community Turkey Tailgate to strengthen community relationships.

Gabriella Garden Club 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

Funds will be utilized to establish a "HOME Pocket Park", at the location of the current HOME sign, off Main Street. The goal of the park is to serve as a social hub, event space, and third space to increase social capital and engagement for surrounding businesses, residents, and tourist.


Men of Change 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $15,370

To host a community date to build stronger relationships within the community and encourage crime reduction.

Veterans of Foreign Wars 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $3,950

To strengthen community relationships and bring more awareness and support to local veterans in Caswell County.

Right Touch Christian Church 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $2,500

To host a back-to-school community celebration.

Health Equity Report Ambassadors 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $3,950

Health Ambassadors to host a series of community meetings exploring the Health Equity Report.


H.O.P.E. 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

To put on a concert series, consisting of two concerts, to be held during June and July at Cedar Terrace and Cardinal Village.

Business Appreciation Week 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $7,000

In concurrence with Business Appreciation Week, the City of Danville, RDA, and the Launch Place have invited speaker, author, and business consultant Clifton Taulbert to serve as the keynote speaker. In order to capitalize on the entrepreneur energy, utilized funds to purchase copies of "Who Owns the Ice House", a novel written by Mr. Taulbert about his entrepreneur journey, and start a book club for budding entrepreneurs.


Riverview Rotary 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $8,850

Parks and Recreation, along with Riverview Rotary and the Ruby B. Public Library requested funds to create a color book that will feature the scenery, ecology, and history of the Dan River. Copies will be provided to third grade students, over the course of three years, along with partnering agencies for educational purposes.

Women's Club of Milton 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

The Woman's Club of Milton, NC requested funds to host a series of community cleanup days, during April and May, to beautify and unify Milton's historic and racially divided cemetery.

Milton Renaissance Foundation 2023

Year: 2023

Amount Awarded: $25,000

Milton Renaissance utilized funds to continue the construction of Milton's first and only greenspace/walking trail.


Ballou Park Nature Trail Revitalization

Year: 2017

Amount: $1,800

Information: Revitalization of the Ballou Park Nature Trail for JT Milam's Eagle scout project.

Danville Historical Society - History Hub

Year: 2017

Amount: $17,100

Information: To hire StudioAmmons to plan exhibits and create the fabrication documents for the next phase of History Hub of Danville, a permanent local history exhibit in the River District Tower.


Ringgold Rail Trail - Pittsylvania County Parks & Rec

Year: 2017

Amount: $25,000

Information: Improvements to the Ringgold Rail Trail heads, amenities, and trail surface.


Right Touch Christian Church

Year: 2017

Amount: $20,000

Information: To fund a community garden to address the needs of a "food desert" area.


River District on Ice

Year: 2017

Amount: $25,000

Information: To bring a skating rink to downtown for the month of December to provide a community gathering space for residents and visitors and to increase traffic and engagement efforts in River District in downtown Danville.


Westmoreland Park Neighborhood

Year: 2017

Amount: $25,000

Information: Hire a professional landscape architect to work with neighborhood stakeholders to develop a park program, masterplan and preliminary costs for improvements at the neighborhood park in the Holbrook Ross District.

Danville Concert Association

Year: 2017

Amount: $7,000

Information: To offer a four-day Artist-in Residence Program, conducted by the five5-member American Chamber Players for area students, culminating in a public performance at Averett University.


Cardinal Village Tenant Association

Year: 2017

Amount: $11,005

Information: To hire local artist, Billie Jean Jones, to create two murals in the Cardinal Village community, one being a community 'paint by numbers' mural.

Caswell County Schools

Year: 2016

Amount: $25,000

Information: A paved walking track and basketball court at South Elementary School in Caswell County.


Purley United Methodist Church

Year: 2016

Amount: $25,000

Information: Purley Community Playground

Town of Gretna, VA

Year: 2016

Amount: $10,000

Information: To upgrade and refurbish Gretna's historic Southern Railroad caboose and gathering space.


Chatham First, Inc.

Year: 2016

Amount: $24,450

Information: Renovation of the corner of Depot and Main Street known as 'Bolanz Corner' to eliminate an eyesore and create a 'bright spot' in a highly visible gateway when entering the Town of Chatham.


Grace and Main Fellowship - Urban Farm

Year: 2016

Amount: $17,598

Information: To create an urban farm and build a tool library at the end of Moffett Street in the North Main community.


Caswell County Horticulture Club

Year: 2015

Amount: $23,572

Information: To build a water feature with three millstones from abandoned North Carolina and Virginia mills at the Caswell County Arboretum. Signage and a virtual walking tour will be added to explain the historic value of the millstones and surrounding building as well as give information about the flora in the space.


Danville Historical Society

Year: 2015

Amount: $15,000

Information: Transport, repurpose and mount the "HOME" portion of the historic and iconic "Home of Dan River Fabrics" sign in order to inspire civic pride and reimagine Danville's past in a unified and engaging way for both area residents and tourists.


Caswell County Local Foods Council

Year: 2015

Amount: $23,512

Information: To expand the Caswell Farmer's Market by creating a certified kitchen, the Eat Well in Caswell brand and beginning a SNAP Double Bucks and Kids Market Bunch Program.


Piedmont Community College

Year: 2015

Amount: $25,000

Information: Outdoor fitness area to be placed in the Caswell County Parks and Recreation Facility.


Town of Gretna

Year: 2015

Amount: $10,000.00

Information: To implement a new community revitalizing event called 'GretnaFest: See the Possible'

Danville After Hours Rotary

Year: 2015

Amount: $6,146.56

Information: To implement a stewardship education project related to storm drains and the impact of the Dan River's watershed on the overall health of the river in partnership with DRBA and the City of Danville Public Works.

Festival in the Park

Year: 2015

Amount: $13,250.00

Information: Sand sculpture, Photography and Art Project

Milton Preservation and Beautification Society, Inc.

Year: 2015

Amount: $6,940.00

Information: The Milton Mural Project

Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church

Year: 2015

Amount: $25,000.00

Information: Trail and playground on land donated by Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church

St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Year: 2014

Amount: $19,448.11

Information: Partner with GLH Johnson Elementary School and Danville Public Schools Child Nutrition Department to provide Weekend Backpack Pilot Program for kindergarten students.

Caswell County, NC

Year: 2014

Amount: $24,937.00

Information: To build a community meeting space at Farmer Lake.

Pittsylvania County Schools

Year: 2014

Amount: $25,000.00

Information: To convert unused tennis courts into outdoor classrooms for students and the community of Hurt.

Pittsylvania County Parks and Recreation

Year: 2014

Amount: $25,000.00

Information: Walking track project in Brosville, VA

Dillard Educational and Economic Development

Year: 2014

Amount: $25,000.00

Information: Fund to educate middle school students in Danville and Caswell County in the history of digital video, film and photography.

Thomas Day House

Year: 2014

Amount: $25,000.00

Information: The Milton Project

City of Danville Department of Parks & Rec

Year: 2014

Amount: $14,874.00

Information: To address community wellness through Pickleball.