North Caswell Community Council Meeting

Meeting at the Semora Ruritan Club (14771 NC-11...

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Pelham Community Council Meeting

Meeting at the Pelham Community Center (161 Com...

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Economic Development

Economic DevelopmentOne thing we know is the future will be significantly different than the past. A second thing we know is having the right skills will be critical to our individual and collective futures. Next, we know we need a vision of the future that helps to distinguish this region from 4,400 similar places in the United States. Fourth, we know we have to work together across political, social and economic structures, or we will make little progress individually. Finally, we know we are creating a new economy and that means we must develop, recruit and grow in new ways.

At DRF, we spend part of our time looking to what’s next.

What’s the next series of investments we need to make to help transform the Dan River Region?

 As we look to answer this question, DRF realizes it will take the entire community to make positive change happen through economic and workforce development. To see the types of investments we’ve made through the years, visit our economic development and workforce development portfolios.