DRF began the Speaker Series in 2009 to bring INNOVATIVE THINKERS to the Dan River Region.
We work to create a prosperous and healthy culture benefitting all of the region's citizens.
Attendees take the speakers' messages home with them and the spark grows encouraging them in turn to create positive change.
We believe that change can be understood when it can be seen in other communities that have fought similar battles.
Every two years, we take our board of directors on a trip to "see the possible" in other cities and communities. We visit to see their transformations first hand, meet their leadership, ask questions and bring back ideas that often lead to future initiatives and projects.
We also help fund See the Possible trips for other organizations to help them understand and experience what excellence looks like in their focus areas.
DRF has distributed approximately $25 million in qualifying grants to improve the River District.
Combined with major City of Danville support, the River District has seen its living and working populations grow by over 400% and its private sector investments increase by over $134 million.
KEY PARTNERS City of Danville & Private Developers
The Danville Family YMCA approached DRF with a request to build a new facility in Danville. The facility would have been in a low-visibility area with a nondescript design.
DRF agreed to provide more financial support than originally requested if the new Y was designed to be an iconic building in a highly visible locale.
This is the first new building built facing the Dan River in over 100 years.
With over $10 million from DRF and $5 million from other sources, they have built a new, first-class facility on the Dan River and the Riverwalk Trails.
Since the construction of the new facility on the Dan River and it's opening in 2014, the Y has seen it's membership grow by 366%
Staff and Membership of the Danville Family YMCA
Business and Charitable Community; Local Schools
Local Healthcare Providers
DRF wants every child in our region to be ready for the first day of kindergarten.
In cooperation with the Virginia Early Childhood Association, an 18 month planning process led to the creation of SMART BEGINNINGS and an original $5.4 million investment by DRF in improving the delivery of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION & HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES in Danville and Pittsylvania County.
SMART BEGINNINGS submitted a strong proposal that illustrated good progress in 2015 and DRF has provided funding for the next 5-years, beginning in 2016.
In 2008, 31% of children in Danville were coming to kindergarten ready to learn. By 2014-2015, that number had dropped to 14%.
By 2020, the organization hopes to help raise the percentage of students ready for kindergarten to 90%. It also plans to raise the third grade reading exam pass rate to 85%.
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
Danville Pittsylvania Smart Beginnings
Danville Public Schools
Pittsylvania County Public Schools
Several years ago, the Dan River Region decided to make a series of bets and direct strategic investments into a pipeline that connects area STUDENTS to ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TRAINING and then to JOBS in that field.
Early on, designers knew that the key would be developing a PIPELINE OF SKILLED EMPLOYEES.
A regional training pipeline was created, making sure not to duplicate resources but encourage collaboration.
It began with the Pittsylvania County Career Technical Center and now the newly opened Danville Public Schools precision machining program at George Washington High School collaborating with Danville Community College (DCC) to help dual enrollment students complete 50% of the two year training program at no cost so an entire year of college is achieved BEFORE the students graduate from high school.
Students are then able to complete their two-year degree in a precision machining community college program within their first year out of high school.
Those who choose to complete the advanced skills training are able to continue in a post degree certificate/Associate of Applied Science program in the Gene Haas Center at the Institute for Advanced Learning & Research that focuses on advanced level training and lean manufacturing principles on machines and within processes they will find on the factory floor.
We have WORKERS who are trained and ready to work in advanced fields. These workers are in demand from business and industry.
We have INDUSTRIES beginning to locate here to hire our workers in this pipeline.
We have public and private PARTNERSHIPS that span the education, economic development and business communities.
We have INVESTMENTS from federal, state and local grants along with industries totaling over $30 million in this pipeline alone.
We have REGIONAL COLLABORATION, as we have never seen before.
For students who wish to pursue bachelor's degrees, DCC is working to arrange articulation partnerships so that students can complete Bachelor of Science degrees in engineering in a 3+1 model, completing the four-year degree as soon as three years post high school graduation.
This can be completed in an Accelerated 9-month program.
Key Partners Danville Community College The Institute for Advanced Learning & Research Private Industry Federal and State Agencies