We exist to support the expansion of prosperity in the Dan River Region
Our primary focus is on LONG-TERM REVITALIZATION of the region, not short-term needs.

We see our grants as INVESTMENTS not gifts.
We compare our efforts against what we identify as BEST PRACTICES in related fields.

We take REASONED RISKS that others may not be able to afford.
We strive to help growing numbers of people in this region "SEE the POSSIBLE."

This region largely stayed in a low wage, low skill, low education MANUFACTURING and AGRICULTURAL economy while Virginia, North Carolina and some parts of the US moved ahead with a KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY.
Even before we became a "milltown without a mill," some in the region knew we had to CHANGE.

One way to illustrate our challenge is to look at MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME half the houses make more. . . and HALF MAKE LESS.
In 1969, the median household income in Danville, Pittsylvania and Caswell counties was roughly the same as Virginia, North Carolina and the US.
Forty years later, Pittsylvania and Caswell counties and Danville were all well below their state and national indicators.
For too long, too many people here have had to make do with survival and subsistence. But if this region is to grow and do well, we must expand the opportunities for all.

We are BUILDING A CULTURE that values excellent education and helps all to be healthy.
We are INVESTING IN AN ECONOMY that produces living wage incomes for high quality work.
We are working to ELIMINATE the CAUSES of POVERTY, rather than only reducing the effects.
We strive to MAGNETIZE the REGION, especially for high skill and high wage young people.

We focus on PROMOTING OUR ASSETS, rather than bemoaning our liabilities.
To SUCCEED as a REGION, we must:
Change the conversation from complaint to action
Change who is in the conversation from old elites to a new broader base
Change behavior to taking responsibility
Change the outcomes to expanding prosperity.

We often say that we are looking for three things in all grant requests NEED, OPPORTUNITY, IMPACT
Here are FOUR QUESTIONS to ask yourself as you consider if your idea meets the need, opportunity and impact criteria
DRF makes most of its grants to tax-exempt agencies classified as 501(c)(3) organizations (public charities as defined by the Internal Revenue Service) that serve in the City of Danville, VA; Pittsylvania County, VA; and Caswell County, NC. Some grants are also made to government agencies and churches.
What ISSUE and/or PROBLEM are you trying to change?
HOW will you do it?
WHO will you connect to make this successful?
WHAT GROUPS will you work with to make this happen?
What does this change look like if you are successful?
How will we know it when we see it?